

问:关于“塑料袋”的调查报告 急用
  1. 答:recently a new law was launched about use of plastic bags the law stipulate all the plastic bag should prohibited which was not meet the reqirement of the goverment the law was promulgated on 2007 6 1 many people showed great support they say this bags may cause damage to our environment and the manufacturer should produce higher quality bags which ply with the law but many people say it also cause inconvenience if we didnt use plastic bags how could we carry thing and it is almost for us to carry a basket go to work and buy thing after work all plait like a landmine bombarded the goverment so how should the government do to consolidate the laws and also to make these people satisfied the goverment should pay arduous effect to pacify the temblor and walk their way back to track/normal
  2. 答:其实我也在写,不过没写好,你很急吗?能等几天吗?
  1. 答:*** you!Show what key!He got high。
  2. 答:塑料袋的危害:污染空气
问:谁有关于建筑装饰材料 的调查报告,包括玻璃、木材、塑料、纤维装饰织物和涂料等
  1. 答:(1)家具混油的表面是否历告平整饱和。应确保没有起泡,没有裂缝,而且油漆厚度要均衡、色泽一致。
    名品汇聚风格众 个性服务显尊野纯贵
    参加品牌:泊客床架+床垫 ,骏业家具床 ,席乐顿TM-01床垫 ,甲古时代雅邑系列卫浴
