

一、Editorial and Advisory Boards of“NEW CARBON MATERIALS”(论文文献综述)

JTTE Editorial Office,Jiaqi Chen,Hancheng Dan,Yongjie Ding,Yangming Gao,Meng Guo,Shuaicheng Guo,Bingye Han,Bin Hong,Yue Hou,Chichun Hu,Jing Hu,Ju Huyan,Jiwang Jiang,Wei Jiang,Cheng Li,Pengfei Liu,Yu Liu,Zhuangzhuang Liu,Guoyang Lu,Jian Ouyang,Xin Qu,Dongya Ren,Chao Wang,Chaohui Wang,Dawei Wang,Di Wang,Hainian Wang,Haopeng Wang,Yue Xiao,Chao Xing,Huining Xu,Yu Yan,Xu Yang,Lingyun You,Zhanping You,Bin Yu,Huayang Yu,Huanan Yu,Henglong Zhang,Jizhe Zhang,Changhong Zhou,Changjun Zhou,Xingyi Zhu[1](2021)在《New innovations in pavement materials and engineering:A review on pavement engineering research 2021》文中提出Sustainable and resilient pavement infrastructure is critical for current economic and environmental challenges. In the past 10 years, the pavement infrastructure strongly supports the rapid development of the global social economy. New theories, new methods,new technologies and new materials related to pavement engineering are emerging.Deterioration of pavement infrastructure is a typical multi-physics problem. Because of actual coupled behaviors of traffic and environmental conditions, predictions of pavement service life become more and more complicated and require a deep knowledge of pavement material analysis. In order to summarize the current and determine the future research of pavement engineering, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering(English Edition) has launched a review paper on the topic of "New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement engineering research 2021". Based on the joint-effort of 43 scholars from 24 well-known universities in highway engineering, this review paper systematically analyzes the research status and future development direction of 5 major fields of pavement engineering in the world. The content includes asphalt binder performance and modeling, mixture performance and modeling of pavement materials,multi-scale mechanics, green and sustainable pavement, and intelligent pavement.Overall, this review paper is able to provide references and insights for researchers and engineers in the field of pavement engineering.


MEHRAN IDRIS KHAN[3](2020)在《中巴环境法比较研究 ——执法与未来路径》文中研究说明该研究概述了国内环境法和国际环境法的含义,特别着重于比较中国和巴基斯坦的发展状况,环境条件,立法,政策含义或执行机制。该研究讨论了有关国际或区域法律文书以及区域或全球环境问题。该研究方法采用定性方法来比较两国的环境法律及其关键要素,以促进其实施并实现今世后代可持续性地利用环境。该研究指出该地区国际、跨界和区域环境法的制定和实施在国家或地区之间差异很大。这些差异是由于每个区域集团内不同的经济环境,政治历史,文化态度和殖民影响所致。其反映了法律和政策方法的碎片化,致使该区域的环境法律和政策制度仍然不完整,并且鉴于环境无边界以及共同的责任,需要明确共同的生态目标。相比之下,美国-加拿大-墨西哥、挪威和比利时等世界其他地区在环境事务上彼此之间具有法律合作,例如通过将环境问题纳入其贸易协定以保持区域环境清洁和可持续。中国巴基斯坦经济走廊(CPEC)之下的大型基础设施和工业发展很可能会对巴基斯坦的环境产生全面影响,并且也可能以与该地区先前烟雾问题相同的方式影响中国。两国有必要突然开展法律合作,共同应对这些环境挑战。在这种情况下,作为邻国,中国和巴基斯坦有诸如CPEC的大型联合开发项目,因此有必要将保护环境作为共同的责任,以实现共同的生态目标。该研究旨在找出两国环境法律和政策的相对优势。通过了解环境政策的形成或含义,分析以前实践中的经验教训,并分析或讨论包括环境问题、导致环境管理问题的因素以及理解实施更好解决方案的障碍。研究结果有助于了解两国环境立法的政治或法律结构,并有助于解决与环境法实施和执行有关的问题,例如实施不力。该研究以有关环境的司法、社会、立法、行政和教育措施作为结论,随后提出了在两国有效实施环境法律和政策的适当建议。该研究还得出结论,尽管政府部门被赋予了更多的裁量权对违反环境规则者采取法律行动,但两国执法机构之间的效率差距是不可忽略的。建议加强环境税网,并在税网中考虑二氧化碳排放量因素。该研究还建议建立环境非政府组织,建立专门的环境部门、法院和法庭,在两国大学中开展交流计划,转让技术,例如生产可再生和清洁能源的技术,并从以下领域汲取经验:成功的法律影响和法律移植,环境律师的双边交流,改善环境知识以提高对污染的认知,加强公众参与以及环境公益诉讼,制定统一的商业法规并将环境方面作为基本理解贸易协定并将其转换为“优惠”贸易协定,为CPEC等联合大型项目开发具有气候适应力的基础设施,提高国内、区域和国际环境法、协定和条约之间的一致性,为监测、规划或管理以及影响评估活动而制定环境或气候变化政策以应对共同面临的环境(国内和跨界)挑战。


Retno Mustikawati[5](2020)在《后殖民时代的印度尼西亚政治研究(1945-1967)》文中提出本文旨在揭示后殖民时代印尼政治变革的三个不同阶段。为了达成此目标,本文主要探讨了如下几个方面的问题:印尼政治如何从议会民主制转向“指导民主”制(guided democracy)?为什么会出现该政治体制的改变?导致两大政体更迭的关键因素是什么?决策执行中有哪些风险?这些决定如何影响印度尼西亚在国际舞台上的地位?为了探讨这些问题,本文将“后殖民时代”的时段从议会民主时期延伸至指导民主时期。本文的研究重点是当时印尼政治的不稳定、对新殖民主义的抵抗、国家创立与民众的自豪感以及国家认同感的构建。在近代史学研究中,去殖民化时代指的是二战后遭受殖民统治的国家从殖民者的占领状态下脱离出来的运动及斗争。曾作为西方殖民地的众多亚洲和非洲国家,去殖民化最激烈的阶段发生在1945-1960年。紧接着是后殖民时代,也是许多新生国家的建国时期。本文将印度尼西亚的后殖民时代划定在1945-1967年,将其视为印度尼西亚政体制度建构的时期。这一时期始于印度尼西亚从荷兰政府统治下摆脱出来全面恢复主权,结束于1967年苏加诺政权倒台。在后殖民时期,印度尼西亚的政体从议会民主转向指导民主。刚刚独立的印度尼西亚,政局动荡,九年间就发生了七次内阁更迭。1945年11月印尼建立了议会民主制,但在这一制度下政府首脑频繁更替,以宗教为基础的暴动事件频发。在议会体系中仅作为名义上的国家元首的苏加诺,开始不断地谴责民主化道路只会带来分裂和动荡,直到1955年大选,党派纷争都难以平息。政局不稳也导致了军方难以处理地区冲突,自由的议会民主制成为指责对象。在取得军方支持和其他有实力的政治力量(包括印尼共产党)的支持后,苏加诺倡议并宣布实行指导民主来团结民众。1959年7月5日苏加诺签署总统令,恢复1945年宪法,并将政体从自由民主制转为指导民主。这一政治变革也随之带来基于总统制的政治结构改变。指导民主围绕民族主义、宗教和共产主义三大核心原则(又名“纳沙贡”思想),致力于整合一盘散沙的平民力量。苏加诺发明了“平民”(Marhaen)一词,并将其应用到政治领域。苏加诺长期思索和研究印尼社会的阶级构成,并被很多理论问题所困扰。在1921年的某个时候,20岁的苏加诺构想出了这一概念。当时苏加诺住在以个体农业生产为主的万隆,在那里每个农民耕种自己的田地,面积一般不超过三分之一公顷。这一状况引起苏加诺的注意,他使用巽他语与当地一位农民对话了解情况,并总结道:通过使用自己的工具,个体农民仅能维持他自己或家庭的基本生活(没有剩余产品可供出卖),他们无力雇佣其他劳力,只拥有自己的简陋棚屋。这位农民的名字就叫Marhaen。这一发现成为了苏加诺思想的基础——平民主义(Marhaenism),也标志着对印尼民众政治特性的再发现。换言之,理论总是依据印尼社会的具体历史情境而产生。用马克思主义的话语来表达的话,平民和“小资产阶级”的含义相近。但是,苏加诺经常使用生活窘迫的“印度尼西亚的穷苦人”的词汇来强调平民的含义。随着平民概念的发展,苏加诺开始把无产阶级也归入印尼平民的一部分。在20世纪60年代,苏加诺把平民划分为三大群体:贫穷的印尼无产阶级(劳工)、贫困的印尼农民和其他印尼穷人。政治精英的政见分歧是导致平民群体不和的主要原因,结果就是实现国家建设和社会发展的目标脱离实际。自由民主制看似只会令既得利益群体受益,而忽视了人民的社会福利。“指导民主”这一苏加诺政治思想的基本概念,是针对西方民主制,以对立命题的方式提出来的。这一民主理论的提出实际上与追求审慎的印尼文化有关。苏加诺认为西方国家的民主实践有结构性缺陷,他认为西方式民主只能保证政治自由,并为经济压迫提供意识形态上的支持。因此,苏加诺论述了社会民主的理念,包括经济民主和政治民主。随后,这一理念被重新表述为一个关于国家权力的理论模式,他称之为“指导民主”。在经济领域,这一理念称作“指导性经济”。但这两个概念所带来的实际结果与追求社会福利的苏加诺政治思想的理想图景相距甚远。原因在于,指导民主的政治结构不再能平衡争权夺利的政治势力。本文由六个部分组成。绪论简要介绍了历史情境及研究背景、研究问题、研究方法、基本观点等。第一章考察1945至1959年“指导民主”产生之前,印度尼西亚政治系统从议会民主制向指导民主的转变过程,重点分析了指导民主产生的国内外因素。第二章阐释指导民主的发展时期,包括指导民主的指导方针及对其相关的拥护和反对情况、“纳沙贡”概念和“新兴力量-旧势力”思想的提出。第三章论述指导民主在经济领域、政治领域和社会领域的发展,重点考察了指导性经济、灯塔政治、该时期的印尼外交政策和辞令以及新兴力量运动会的举办等。第四章论述指导民主如何获得巩固。最后一部分概括了研究结论。本文将印尼政治的后殖民时代界定在1945-1967年,并根据政治活动划分为三个阶段,即动荡阶段、对抗阶段和形成阶段。动荡阶段包括印度尼西亚联邦共和国的解体、议会民主制的实施、多党制的实施、1950年临时宪法的实施等;该时期还包括内阁更迭、执政党霸权、仅作为国家元首的总统、作为行政首脑的总理、军方的弱势地位、苏加诺与哈达的决裂、国内或地区冲突、失败的宪制等。对抗阶段包括1959年总统法令的颁布、1945年宪法的恢复、指导性经济、主办亚非会议、加入不结盟运动、指导民主的实施,以及符合建国五原则的纳沙贡思想和政治宣言“乌斯德克”的灌输,同时还包括新兴力量与旧势力的划分、西伊里安(新几内亚西部)的解放、马来西亚的反对、灯塔政治、大型工程建设、第四届亚运会与新兴力量运动会的举行、印尼退出联合国、雅加达-北京轴线以及新兴力量会议的举办等。形成阶段包括1945年宪法作为印度尼西亚共和国法律基础的有效性,建国五原则作为官方法律的有效性和指引印度尼西亚共和国建设的基本理论。此外,新几内亚西部并入印度尼西亚共和国、举办第四届亚运会和新兴力量运动会、建设地标性建筑等大事件使印尼人民提升了民族自尊。




Badarch Sergelen[9](2019)在《Factors Affecting Rail Reform Model Choice and Cases Comparison Around the World》文中认为A large wave of railway reform started since 1980s and still on-going.A number of countries chose different types of reform models based on their specific conditions and objectives.Studies on the railway reform experience,particularly the efficiency impact is substantial.However,currently debate on the appropriate reform model choice among researchers are intense and not conclusive.This study attempted to shed light on the background and pre-conditions of these reforms through quantitative analysis to evaluate railway reform experience from an another perspective.In addition,comparative case study on railway reform experience of Australia,the United States,the United Kingdom,European Union,Japan and Russia was carried out.Data set was collected from 129 individual railway experts,scholars,and students in China,India,German,Venezuela,Ethiopia,and Mongolia through either questionnaire or face to face interview to analyze their opinion of which factors driving railway reforms as well as their preference on railway reform mode choice.The specific factors that might affect railway reform were based on principle the Governance theory and identified and compiled through literature reviews.A simple structural equation model was constructed for this study delivers some preliminary indications on the government,political,market and social factors affecting railway reform mode choice.Each of factors shows mixed result towards specific reform mode choice of institutional separation,corporatization or ownership restricting,and introduction of competition element to the industry.Government control factors negatively affect institutional restructuring as well as competition,yet positively affect corporatization or ownership restructuring when full or partial public ownership is present.Political and policy factors positively affect railway,and competition but does not affect ownership restructuring.Market factors has negative relationship with institutional restructuring but then positive relationship with ownership changes and enhance competitions.Finally,social elements do not affect separation of railways but do impact positively on the ownership reform and negatively on the competition in railways.


二、Editorial and Advisory Boards of“NEW CARBON MATERIALS”(论文开题报告)

















三、Editorial and Advisory Boards of“NEW CARBON MATERIALS”(论文提纲范文)

(1)New innovations in pavement materials and engineering:A review on pavement engineering research 2021(论文提纲范文)

1. Introduction
    (1) With the society development pavement engineering facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges
    (2) With the modern education development pavement engineering facing unprecedented accumulation of scientific manpower and literature
2. Asphalt binder performance and modeling
    2.1. Binder damage,healing and aging behaviors
        2.1.1. Binder healing characterization and performance
        2.1.1. 1. Characterizing approaches for binder healing behavior.
        2.1.1. 2. Various factors influencing binder healing performance.
        2.1.2. Asphalt aging:mechanism,evaluation and control strategy
        2.1.2. 1. Phenomena and mechanisms of asphalt aging.
        2.1.2. 2. Simulation methods of asphalt aging.
        2.1.2. 3. Characterizing approaches for asphalt aging behavior.
        2.1.2. 4. Anti-aging additives used for controlling asphalt aging.
        2.1.3. Damage in the characterization of binder cracking performance
        2.1.3. 1. Damage characterization based on rheological properties.
        2.1.3. 2. Damage characterization based on fracture properties.
        2.1.4. Summary and outlook
    2.2. Mechanism of asphalt modification
        2.2.1. Development of polymer modified asphalt
        2.2.1. 1. Strength formation of modified asphalt.
        2.2.1. 2. Modification mechanism by molecular dynamics simulation.
        2.2.1. 3. The relationship between microstructure and properties of asphalt.
        2.2.2. Application of the MD simulation
        2.2.2. 1. Molecular model of asphalt.
        2.2.2. 2. Molecular configuration of asphalt.
        2.2.2. 3. Self-healing behaviour.
        2.2.2. 4. Aging mechanism.
        2.2.2. 5. Adhesion mechanism.
        2.2.2. 6. Diffusion behaviour.
        2.2.3. Summary and outlook
    2.3. Modeling and application of crumb rubber modified asphalt
        2.3.1. Modeling and mechanism of rubberized asphalt
        2.3.1. 1. Rheology of bituminous binders.
        2.3.1. 2. Rheological property prediction of CRMA.
        2.3.2. Micromechanics-based modeling of rheological properties of CRMA
        2.3.2. 1. Composite system of CRMA based on homogenization theory.
        2.3.2. 2. Input parameters for micromechanical models of CRMA.
        2.3.2. 3. Analytical form of micromechanical models of CRMA.
        2.3.2. 4. Future recommendations for improving micro-mechanical prediction performance.
        2.3.3. Design and performance of rubberized asphalt
        2.3.3. 1. The interaction between rubber and asphalt fractions.
        2.3.3. 2. Engineering performance of rubberized asphalt.
        2.3.3. 3. Mixture design.
        2.3.3. 4. Warm mix rubberized asphalt.
        2.3.3. 5. Reclaiming potential of rubberized asphalt pavement.
        2.3.4. Economic and Environmental Effects
        2.3.5. Summary and outlook
3. Mixture performance and modeling of pavement materials
    3.1. The low temperature performance and freeze-thaw damage of asphalt mixture
        3.1.1. Low temperature performance of asphalt mixture
        3.1.1. 1. Low temperature cracking mechanisms.
        3.1.1. 2. Experimental methods to evaluate the low temperature performance of asphalt binders.
        3.1.1. 3. Experimental methods to evaluate the low temperature performance of asphalt mixtures.
        3.1.1. 4. Low temperature behavior of asphalt materials. factors of low temperature performance of asphalt mixture.
        3.1.1. 6. Improvement of low temperature performance of asphalt mixture.
        3.1.2. Freeze-thaw damage of asphalt mixtures
        3.1.2. 1. F-T damage mechanisms.
        3.1.2. 2. Evaluation method of F-T damage.
        3.1.2. 3. F-T damage behavior of asphalt mixture.
        (1) Evolution of F-T damage of asphalt mixture
        (2) F-T damage evolution model of asphalt mixture
        (3) Distribution and development of asphalt mixture F-T damage
        3.1.2. 4. Effect factors of freeze thaw performance of asphalt mixture.
        3.1.2. 5. Improvement of freeze thaw resistance of asphalt mixture.
        3.1.3. Summary and outlook
    3.2. Long-life rigid pavement and concrete durability
        3.2.1. Long-life cement concrete pavement
        3.2.1. 1. Continuous reinforced concrete pavement.
        3.2.1. 2. Fiber reinforced concrete pavement.
        3.2.1. 3. Two-lift concrete pavement.
        3.2.2. Design,construction and performance of CRCP
        3.2.2. 1. CRCP distress and its mechanism.
        3.2.2. 2. The importance of crack pattern on CRCP performance.
        3.2.2. 3. Corrosion of longitudinal steel.
        3.2.2. 4. AC+CRCP composite pavement.
        3.2.2. 5. CRCP maintenance and rehabilitation.
        3.2.3. Durability of the cementitious materials in concrete pavement
        3.2.3. 1. Deterioration mechanism of sulfate attack and its in-fluence on concrete pavement.
        3.2.3. 2. Development of alkali-aggregate reaction in concrete pavement.
        3.2.3. 3. Influence of freeze-thaw cycles on concrete pavement.
        3.2.4. Summary and outlook
    3.3. Novel polymer pavement materials
        3.3.1. Designable PU material
        3.3.1. 1. PU binder. mixture.
        3.3.1. 3. Material genome design.
        3.3.2. Novel polymer bridge deck pavement material
        3.3.2. 1. Requirements for the bridge deck pavement material. bridge deck pavement material(PUBDPM).
        3.3.3. PU permeable pavement
        3.3.3. 1. Permeable pavement.
        3.3.3. 2. PU porous pavement materials.
        3.3.3. 3. Hydraulic properties of PU permeable pavement materials.
        3.3.3. 4. Mechanical properties of PU permeable pavement ma-terials.
        3.3.3. 5. Environmental advantages of PU permeable pavement materials.
        3.3.4. Polyurethane-based asphalt modifier
        3.3.4. 1. Chemical and genetic characteristics of bitumen and polyurethane-based modifier.
        3.3.4. 2. The performance and modification mechanism of polyurethane modified bitumen.
        3.3.4. 3. The performance of polyurethane modified asphalt mixture.
        3.3.4. 4. Environmental and economic assessment of poly-urethane modified asphalt.
        3.3.5. Summary and outlook
    3.4. Reinforcement materials for road base/subrgrade
        3.4.1. Flowable solidified fill
        3.4.1. 1. Material composition design.
        3.4.1. 2. Performance control.
        3.4.1. 3. Curing mechanism.
        3.4.1. 4. Construction applications. impact assessment.
        3.4.1. 6. Development prospects and challenges.
        3.4.2. Stabilization materials for problematic soil subgrades materials for loess.
        3.4.2. 2. Stabilization materials for expansive soil.
        3.4.2. 3. Stabilization materials for saline soils.
        3.4.2. 4. Stabilization materials for soft soils.
        3.4.3. Geogrids in base course reinforcement
        3.4.3. 1. Assessment methods for evaluating geogrid reinforce-ment in flexible pavements.
        (1) Reinforced granular material
        (2) Reinforced granular base course
        3.4.3. 2. Summary.
        3.4.4. Summary and outlook
4. Multi-scale mechanics
    4.1. Interface
        4.1.1. Multi-scale evaluation method of interfacial interaction between asphalt binder and mineral aggregate
        4.1.1. 1. Molecular dynamics simulation of asphalt adsorption behavior on mineral aggregate surface.
        4.1.1. 2. Experimental study on absorption behavior of asphalt on aggregate surface.
        4.1.1. 3. Research on evaluation method of interaction between asphalt and mineral powder.
        (1) Rheological mechanical method
        (2) Microscopic test
        4.1.1. 4. Study on evaluation method of interaction between asphalt and aggregate.
        4.1.2. Multi-scale numerical simulation method considering interface effect
        4.1.2. 1. Multi-scale effect of interface.
        4.1.2. 2. Study on performance of asphalt mixture based on micro nano scale testing technology.
        4.1.2. 3. Study on the interface between asphalt and aggregate based on molecular dynamics.
        4.1.2. 4. Study on performance of asphalt mixture based on meso-mechanics.
        4.1.2. 5. Mesoscopic numerical simulation test of asphalt mixture.
        4.1.3. Multi-scale investigation on interface deterioration
        4.1.4. Summary and outlook
    4.2. Multi-scales and numerical methods in pavement engineering
        4.2.1. Asphalt pavement multi-scale system
        4.2.1. 1. Multi-scale definitions from literatures.
        4.2.1. 2. A newly-proposed Asphalt Pavement Multi-scale System.
        (1) Structure-scale
        (2) Mixture-scale
        (3) Material-scale
        4.2.1. 3. Research Ideas in the newly-proposed multi-scale sys-
        4.2.2. Multi-scale modeling methods
        4.2.2. 1. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations.
        4.2.2. 2. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations.
        4.2.2. 3. Composite micromechanics methods.
        4.2.2. 4. Finite element method (FEM) simulations.
        4.2.2. 5. Discrete element method (DEM) simulations.
        4.2.3. Cross-scale modeling methods
        4.2.3. 1. Mechanism of cross-scale calculation.
        4.2.3. 2. Multi-scale FEM method.
        4.2.3. 3. FEM-DEM coupling method.
        4.2.3. 4. NMM family methods.
        4.2.4. Summary and outlook
    4.3. Pavement mechanics and analysis
        4.3.1. Constructive methods to pavement response analysis
        4.3.1. 1. Viscoelastic constructive models.
        4.3.1. 2. Anisotropy and its characterization.
        4.3.1. 3. Mathematical methods to asphalt pavement response.
        4.3.2. Finite element modeling for analyses of pavement mechanics
        4.3.2. 1. Geometrical dimension of the FE models.
        4.3.2. 2. Constitutive models of pavement materials.
        4.3.2. 3. Variability of material property along with different directions.
        4.3.2. 4. Loading patterns of FE models.
        4.3.2. 5. Interaction between adjacent pavement layers.
        4.3.3. Pavement mechanics test and parameter inversion
        4.3.3. 1. Nondestructive pavement modulus test.
        4.3.3. 2. Pavement structural parameters inversion method.
        4.3.4. Summary and outlook
5. Green and sustainable pavement
    5.1. Functional pavement
        5.1.1. Energy harvesting function
        5.1.1. 1. Piezoelectric pavement.
        5.1.1. 2. Thermoelectric pavement.
        5.1.1. 3. Solar pavement.
        5.1.2. Pavement sensing function
        5.1.2. 1. Contact sensing device. based sensing technology.
        5.1.2. 3. Perception technology based on image/video stream.
        5.1.2. 4. Temperature sensing.
        5.1.2. 5. Traffic detection based on ontology perception.
        5.1.2. 6. Structural health monitoring based on ontology perception.
        5.1.3. Road adaptation and adjustment function
        5.1.3. 1. Radiation reflective pavement.Urban heat island effect refers to an increased temperature in urban areas compared to its surrounding rural areas (Fig.68).
        5.1.3. 2. Catalytical degradation of vehicle exhaust gases on pavement surface.
        5.1.3. 3. Self-healing pavement.
        5.1.4. Summary and outlook
    5.2. Renewable and sustainable pavement materials
        5.2.1. Reclaimed asphalt pavement
        5.2.1. 1. Hot recycled mixture technology.
        5.2.1. 2. Warm recycled mix asphalt technology.
        5.2.1. 3. Cold recycled mixture technology.
        (1) Strength and performance of cold recycled mixture with asphalt emulsion
        (2) Variability analysis of asphalt emulsion
        (3) Future prospect of cold recycled mixture with asphalt emulsion
        5.2.2. Solid waste recycling in pavement
        5.2.2. 1. Construction and demolition waste.
        (1) Recycled concrete aggregate
        (2) Recycled mineral filler
        5.2.2. 2. Steel slag.
        5.2.2. 3. Waste tire rubber.
        5.2.3. Environment impact of pavement material
        5.2.3. 1. GHG emission and energy consumption of pavement material.
        (1) Estimation of GHG emission and energy consumption
        (2) Challenge and prospect of environment burden estimation
        5.2.3. 2. VOC emission of pavement material.
        (1) Characterization and sources of VOC emission
        (2) Health injury of VOC emission
        (3) Inhibition of VOC emission
        (4) Prospect of VOC emission study
        5.2.4. Summary and outlook
6. Intelligent pavement
    6.1. Automated pavement defect detection using deep learning
        6.1.1. Automated data collection method
        6.1.1. 1. Digital camera. laser camera.
        6.1.1. 3. Structure from motion.
        6.1.2. Automated road surface distress detection
        6.1.2. 1. Image processing-based method.
        6.1.2. 2. Machine learning and deep learning-based methods.
        6.1.3. Pavement internal defect detection
        6.1.4. Summary and outlook
    6.2. Intelligent pavement construction and maintenance
        6.2.1. Intelligent pavement construction management
        6.2.1. 1. Standardized integration of BIM information resources.
        6.2.1. 2. Construction field capturing technologies.
        6.2.1. 3. Multi-source spatial data fusion.
        6.2.1. 4. Research on schedule management based on BIM.
        6.2.1. 5. Application of BIM information management system.
        6.2.2. Intelligent compaction technology for asphalt pavement
        6.2.2. 1. Weakened IntelliSense of ICT.
        6.2.2. 2. Poor adaptability of asphalt pavement compaction index.
        (1) The construction process of asphalt pavement is affected by many complex factors
        (2) Difficulty in model calculation caused by jumping vibration of vibrating drum
        (3) There are challenges to the numerical stability and computational efficiency of the theoretical model
        6.2.2. 3. Insufficient research on asphalt mixture in vibratory rolling.
        6.2.3. Intelligent pavement maintenance decision-making
        6.2.3. 1. Basic functional framework.
        6.2.3. 2. Expert experience-based methods.
        6.2.3. 3. Priority-based methods.
        6.2.3. 4. Mathematical programming-based methods.
        6.2.3. 5. New-gen machine learning-based methods.
        6.2.4. Summary and outlook
        (1) Pavement construction management
        (2) Pavement compaction technology
        (3) Pavement maintenance decision-making
7. Conclusions
Conflict of interest


Chapter1 Introduction
    1.1 Background of the Report
    1.2 Current Studies on Translation of Sustainability Report
    1.3 Significance of the Report
    1.4 Framework of the Report
Chapter2 Translation Process
    2.1 Pre-Translation
        2.1.1Analysis of the Source Text
        2.1.2 Preparations before Translation
    2.2 In-Translation
        2.2.1 Translation Process
        2.2.2 Difficulties Encountered
        2.2.3 Solutions to Difficulties
    2.3 After Translation
        2.3.1 Self-proofreading
        2.3.2 Peer Review
Chapter3 Theoretical Basis
    3.1 Literature Review of Text Typology
    3.2 Definition of Text Typology
        3.2.1 Classification of Text Typology
        3.2.2 Translation Strategy to Text Typology Theory
    3.3 Development of Text Typology
    3.4 Application of Text Typology in Translation Studies
Chapter4 Case Analysis under the Guidance of Text Typology
    4.1 Translation of Informative Text
        4.1.1 Literal Translation
        4.1.2 Free Translation
        4.1.3 Omission
        4.1.4 Conversion
        4.1.5 Reorganization
    4.2 Translation of Vocative Text
        4.2.1 Alliteration
        4.2.2 Four-Character Form
        4.2.3 Omission
    4.3 Summary
Chapter5 Conclusion
    5.1 Findings
    5.2 Limitations and Future Plans
        5.2.1 Limitations
        5.2.2 Suggestions and Future Plan:

(3)中巴环境法比较研究 ——执法与未来路径(论文提纲范文)

    1.1. Background of the Study
    1.2. Why Compare Environmental Laws of Pakistan and China?
    1.3. Hypothesis
    1.4. Research Problem
    1.5. Research Question (s)
    1.6. Aims and Objectives of the Study
    1.7. Research Methodology
    1.8. The Significance and Scope of the Study
    1.9. Outline of the Thesis
    2.1. The Environment Law and International Law
    2.2. Environmental Policies and Criteria for its Evaluation
    2.3. The Development of International and Regional Environmental Laws
    2.4. Enforcement Mechanisms of Environmental Laws
        2.4.1. Enforcement Mechanism and its Different Kinds
        2.4.2. The United Nations and Enforcement Mechanisms
        2.4.3. Environmental Law and Enforcement Mechanisms
        2.4.4. Environmental Mechanisms and Policies in Pakistan
        2.4.5. China's Environmental Policies and Mechanisms
    2.5. Legal Challenges in Enforcing Environmental Laws Across the Boarders
        2.5.1. Transboundary Environmental Harm and Cluster-litigation
        2.5.2. Access to Domestic and Human Rights Courts
        2.5.3. Forums of Inter-state Claims
        2.5.4. Non-Judicial Fora
        2.5.5. Limited Scope of the Applicable Law
    2.6. A Need for Regional Legal Cooperation in Environmental Issus
        2.6.1. A Reference from other Regional Cooperation in Environmental Matters
        2.6.2. International Trade, International Law, and Environmental Concerns
        2.6.3. Legal Grounds of Bilateral Cooperation Concerning TransboundaryEnvironmental Issues
        2.6.4. Establishing a Close Connection between Environmental Protection and Trade
        2.6.5. Building National, Regional and Global Environmental Networks
    2.7. Conclusion
    3.1. Introduction
    3.2. Key Environmental Challenges and their Impacts in Pakistan
        3.2.1. An Era of Environmental Unawareness
        3.2.2. Issues Concerning Water Resources and Pollution
        3.2.3. Energy Issues and Current Situation in Pakistan
        3.2.4. Pollution and Waste Management
        3.2.5. Biodiversity and Natural Resource Management
        3.2.6. Transboundary Environmental Issues
        3.2.7. Climate Change and Variability
        3.2.8. EIA and Challenges Faced by Legal Consultants in Pakistan
        3.2.9. Climate Change Effects on Key Sectors of Pakistan
    3.3. National Environmental Priorities for Action in Pakistan
        3.3.1. Past Environmental Records
        3.3.2. Environment-Related Information Needs
        3.3.3. Key Environment(al) (Performance) Indicators
        3.3.4. Capacity Building for the Environment
        3.3.5. Social Action Project on Environment; Environmental Awareness andEducation
        3.3.6. Billion Tree Tsunami Afforestation Project in Pakistan
    3.4. Environmental Policy, Legislative, and Institutional Frameworks in Pakistan
        3.4.1. Environmental Management Policies in Pakistan
        3.4.2. Establishment of Environmental Tribunals, Green Benches, and SustainableDevelopment Fund in Pakistan
        3.4.3. EIA in Pakistan
        3.4.4. Carbon Emissions Scheme in Pakistan
    3.5. Recommendations to Implement Environmental Policies More Efficiently
        3.5.1. Enhance and Facilitate the Environmental Education
        3.5.2. Provision of Basic Sanitation and Access to Clean Water for All
        3.5.3. Consider Energy Efficiency as Pivot of NEP
        3.5.4. Monitoring Urban Air Pollution
        3.5.5. Public-private Partnerships for Cleaner Production
        3.5.6. Emission Control and Trading Scheme
        3.5.7. Transboundary Environment Management
    3.6. Conclusion
    4.1. Introduction
    4.2. Effects and Limitations of Environmental Challenges in China
        4.2.1. History of Environmental Pollution in China
        4.2.2. China's Environmental Health Challenges
        4.2.3. Impacts of Air Pollution in China
        4.2.4. Limitation of the Study of China's Environmental Regulatory System
    4.3. How Does China Treat Emissions?
        4.3.1. Emissions Targets
        4.3.2. Emission Trading Scheme in China
        4.3.3. The Chinese Certified Emission Reduction
        4.3.4. Monitoring, Reporting and Verification
        4.3.5. Environmental Impact Assessments in China
        4.3.6. Environmental Insurance
    4.4. Establishment of Environmental Courts and Ministries
        4.4.1. Establishment of Ministry of Environmental Protection
        4.4.2. Creation of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment
        4.4.3. Creation of Specialised Environmental Courts
    4.5. Measures Taken to Enforce Environmental Laws and Counter EnvironmentalChallenges
        4.5.1. Environmental Laws and Standards
        4.5.2. China's New Environmental Protection Law
        4.5.3. Environmental Regulatory Framework
        4.5.4. Environmental NGOs in China
        4.5.5. Environmental Police Force
        4.5.6. The Environmental Protection Tax Law
    4.6. Criticism and Recommendations
        4.6.1. No Tax on CO2 Emissions Included in the newly amended EPL
        4.6.2. No Punishment for the Government Personnel on Their Failure
        4.6.3. Key Failings of the SO_2 Emissions Trading Market
        4.6.4. How Can the New EPL Be Implemented Even Better?
    4.7. Conclusion
    5.1. Introduction
    5.2. Environmental Legislation and Enforcement Mechanisms in China
        5.2.1. Environmental Management Rules in China
        5.2.2. Public Interest Litigation in China
        5.2.3. The Chinese Institutional Setup and Enforcement Mechanisms
    5.3. Environmental Legislation and Enforcement Mechanisms in Pakistan
        5.3.1. Existing Environmental Legislation
        5.3.2. Environmental related Institutions in Pakistan
    5.4. Transboundary Environmental Law in the Context of International Law
        5.4.1. Approaches to Customary International Law and Transboundary EnvironmentalHarms
        5.4.2. International Law and Pertinent Decisions of International Tribunals
        5.4.3. International Treaties and Protocols
        5.4.4. The Comparative Law Functions and its Relevance with InternationalEnvironmental Law
        5.4.5. From National to International--Topical Trends in Environmental Liabilityfrom Comparative and International Law Perspectives
    5.5. Comparative Discussion and Analysis
        5.5.1. Public Participation in Environmental Matters
        5.5.2. Environmental Impact Assessment System in China and Pakistan
        5.5.3. Carbon Emission Schemes in China
        5.5.4. Carbon Emissions Schemes in Pakistan
        5.5.5. Sustainable Development and the Role of ASEAN in the RegionalEnvironmental Law Perspective
        5.5.6. The Role of Judiciary in Environmental Matters in China and Pakistan
        5.5.7. Transboundary Environmental Issues and Pertinent (Regional) Legislation
        5.5.8. The Development of International and Regional Environmental Laws
        5.5.9. Increasing Consistency between Domestic Environmental Legislation andInternational Trade Law
        5.5.10. Legal Grounds of Bilateral Cooperation Concerning TransboundaryEnvironmental Issues
        5.5.11. Economic Concerns and Development of Environmental Laws
        5.5.12. Policy Transfer and Lesson Drawing--Legal Cooperation
    5.6. Conclusion
    6.1. Concluding Remarks
    6.2. Recommendations


Chapter 1 General Introduction
    1.1 Research Origin
    1.2 Objectives and Significance of the Thesis
    1.3 State-of-Art of the Primary Mg-Air Batteries
    1.4 Content of the Thesis
Chapter 2 Materials Preparation,Characterization and Measurement Theories
    2.1 Materials Preparation and Fabrication
        2.1.1 Chemicals
        2.1.2 Other Materials
        2.1.3 Electro-catalyst
        2.1.4 Electrolyte Solution Preparation
        2.1.5 Apparatus/Instruments
    2.2 Preparation of the Supported Electro-catalysts
    2.3 Working Electrode Preparation
    2.4 Air-Cathode Fabrication
    2.5 Physical Characterization
    2.6 DFT Calculation for Exploring Catalyst ORR Active Sites
    2.7 Electrochemical Measurements
        2.7.1 Measurements by LSV
        2.7.2 Measurements by RDE and RRDE Techniques
        2.7.3 Measurements by EIS
        2.7.4 Single Cell Testing
    2.8 Theories of Electrode Kinetics Used for Electrochemical Data Analysis
        2.8.1 Analysis of the Data Measured by LSV
        2.8.2 Analysis of the Data Measured by RDE and RRDE
        2.8.3 Analysis of the Data Measured by EIS
Chapter 3 Electrochemical Properties and Catalyst Activities of CoTMPP/C and Pyrolyzed Co-N_x/C Materials toward ORR
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Electrochemical and Electro-catalytic ORR Activities of Co TMPP/BP Composite Material
        3.2.1 Surface Electrochemical Analysis
        3.2.2 p H Dependence of the Redox Process
        3.2.3 Electro-catalytic Activity
    3.3 ORR Catalyzed by Co-Nx/C Catalysts Supported by Different Carbon Supports
        3.3.1 Physical Characterization
        3.3.2 Electrochemical Characterization
        3.3.3 ORR Mechanism Discussion
Chapter 4 Performance Characterization of the Catalysts-Associated Air-Cathodes
    4.1 Electrochemical Half-Cell Design and Fabrication
    4.2 Electrochemical Half-Cell Validation
    4.3 Analysis of the Polarization Curves for ORR Kinetic Information
    4.4 Modified Electrochemical Half-Cell Design and Fabrication for High-Temperature Performance Analysis
Chapter 5 Study of the Newly Designed and Fabricated Air-Cathodes for Mg-Air Battery
    5.1 Air-Cathode Architecture
    5.2 Air-Cathode Design and Fabrication
        5.2.1 Technical Concept of the Air-Cathode
        5.2.2 Fabrication Procedure of the Air-Cathode
    5.3 Results and Discussions
        5.3.1 ORR Performance of the Developed Air-Cathodes in the Custom-Built Three-Electrode Electrochemical Half-Cell
        5.3.2 EIS Analysis of the Developed Air-Cathodes by Frequency Analyzer
        5.3.3 Air-Cathode Performance as a Function of Temperature
        5.3.4 Ex-Situ Stability Test of the Developed Air-Cathodes in10 wt% NaCl Solution
        5.3.5 Evaluation of the Developed Air-Cathodes in a Mg-Air Single Cell
Chapter 6 General Conclusions& Perspectives
    6.1 Conclusions
    6.2 Perspectives
Publications during Ph.D.Study
List of Abbreviations and Symbols


    Study Objectives
    Research Questions
    Literature Review
    Contribution and Originality
    Possible Difficulties
Chapter OnePre-Guided Democracy Period(1945-1959)
    1.1. The Chaotic of Political Situation during Parliamentary Democracy,Debates and Differences in Choosing a Constitutional System
    1.2. The Birth Factors of the Guided Democracy, towards the Ideals andGoals of the Proclamation of Indonesia's Independence
    1.3. The Influential Factors of the Outsiders,from the Allied ForcesNetherlands East Indies(AFNEI)to the Asia Africa Conference 1955(Bandung Conference 1955)
Chapter TwoDevelopment of the Guided Democracy
    2.1. The Guidelines, Pros and Cons of the Guided Democracy
    2.2. The Emergence of NASAKOM Concept,Embracing Three PoliticalEntities in Indonesia:Marhaenism,Islamist,Marxist
    2.3. New Emerging Forces(NEFO)-Old Established Forces (OLDEFO):Sukarno's Third World Concept
Chapter 3Economical, Political and Social Development of the Guided Democracy
    3.1. The Guided Economy, Building a State-led Economy System
    3.2. The Beacon Politics,Sukarno's Concept of Indonesia's Foreign Policyduring the Guided democracy
    3.3. The Games of New Emerging Forces (GANEFO):The WorldOlympics' Opponent
Chapter FourConsolidation of the Guided Democracy for Indonesia's Development
    4.1. Sukarno's Critics, Indonesia Withdrawn from the United Nations
    4.2. Conference of New Emerging Forces (CONEFO) and the Establishmentof Jakarta-Peking Axis
    4.3. Return to and Validity of 1945 Constitution, the Basis for All Laws inIndonesia
Appendix The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia PREAMBLE


Chapter One Project Description
    1.1 Project Background
    1.2 Clients Requirements
Chapter Two Translation Process
    2.1 Translation Preparation
        2.1.1 Analysis of Source Text
        2.1.2 Glossary Building
        2.1.3 Theoretical Guidance--- Functional Equivalence Theory
    2.2 Quality Control
Chapter Three Difficulties and Skills in Translation
    3.1 Difficulties Encountered in the Process of Translation
        3.1.1 Four-Character Structure
        3.1.2 Non-Subject Sentence
        3.1.3 Long and Complex Sentences
    3.2 Translation Skills
        3.2.1 Omission and Annotation
        3.2.2 Amplification
        3.2.3 Division and Reconstruction
Chapter Four Reflection on the Project
    4.1 Feedback from the Clients
    4.2 Self-assessments
    4.3 Suggestions for Future Translation


第一章 美国对越政策的发展与在南越“反叛乱”的由来
    第一节 美国的东南亚冷战政策
    第二节 美国的对越政策与越战进程
    第三节 美国在南越“反叛乱”的由来
第二章 约翰逊政府“反叛乱”政策的发展及“凤凰计划”的出现
    第一节 军事-民事“反叛乱”的结合
    第二节 “凤凰计划”的出现:战争“越南化”的初尝试
    第三节 “凤凰计划”的情报基础:“召回计划”的实施
第三章 约翰逊政府“反叛乱”政策调整及“凤凰计划”的扩大
    第一节 “反叛乱”政策调整的背景
    第二节 “反叛乱”政策的调整
    第三节 “凤凰计划”的扩大
第四章 尼克松政府第一次“越南化”政策与“凤凰计划”的改革
    第一节 尼克松政府初期军事行动对“反叛乱”的支持
    第二节 “凤凰计划”的改革
    第三节 第一次“越南化”政策及其失败
第五章 尼克松中后期“反叛乱”战略的显着转型及“凤凰计划”的衰落
    第一节 第二次“越南化”政策:“反叛乱”的“越南化”
    第二节 “凤凰计划”衰落前的过渡期
    第三节 “凤凰计划”的衰落

(9)Factors Affecting Rail Reform Model Choice and Cases Comparison Around the World(论文提纲范文)

1 Introduction
    1.1 Background
        1.1.1 Railway Reform Arguments from International Perspective
        1.1.2 Railway Reform Arguments in China
        1.1.3 Railway Industry Efficiency and Debt Problems in China
    1.2 Research Question
    1.3 Research Contents and Logic Framework
    1.4 Concepts Definition
2 Railway Reform and Performance History and Status Quo
    2.1 Main Alternatives of Railway Reform
    2.2 Railway Reform and Performance: Ownership
        2.2.1 Public Ownership
        2.2.2 Private Ownership
        2.2.3 Mixed Ownership
        2.2.4 Vertical Separation
        2.2.5 Horizontal Separation
        2.2.6 Railway Reform and Performance: Integration Mode
        2.2.7 Railway Reform and Performance: Mixed mode
    2.3 Railway Reform and Performance: Competition
        2.3.1 Competition in the Rail Market
        2.3.2 Competition for Rail Market
    2.4 Summary
3 Literature and Methodology Review
    3.1 Theory
        3.1.1 Governance Theory
        3.1.2 Modes of Governance
        3.1.3 Workable Competition
        3.1.4 Characteristics of Railway
    3.2 Methodology Review
        3.2.1 Qualitative Methodology
        3.2.2 Quantitative Methodology
    3.3 Summary
4 Research Framework and Method Design
    4.1 Research Framework
        4.1.1 Research Focus
        4.1.2 Selection of Research Methodology
    4.2 Method Design
        4.2.1 Data Collection Methods
        4.2.2. Questionnaire Design
    4.3 Econometric Modelling
        4.3.1 Structural Equation Model
        4.3.2 Model Construction Steps
5 Questionnaire Analysis and Modelling Research Results
    5.1 Questionnaire Descriptive Analysis
    5.2 Reliability and Validity Analysis
    5.3 Modelling Research Results
    5.4 Summary
6 Case Comparison of Railway Reform Modes Worldwide
    6.1 Australian Model
        6.1.1 Overview of Australian Railway
        6.1.2 Railway Reform
    6.2 UK Model
        6.2.1 Overview of British Railway Industry
        6.2.2 British Railway Reform
    6.3 The US model
        6.3.1 Overview of the Railway Industry of the United States
        6.3.2 Railway Reform
    6.4 EU model
        6.4.1 Overview of EU Railway Industry
        6.4.2 Railway Reform
    6.5 Japanese model
        6.5.1 Overview of the Japanese Railway Industry
        6.5.2 Railway Reform in Japan
    6.6 Russian Railway Industry Reform
        6.6.1 Overview of Russian Railway Industry
        6.6.2 Railway Companies:
        6.6.3 Regulatory Authorities
        6.6.4 Railway Reform
    6.7 Summary
7 Conclusions, Implication and Limitation
    7.1 Conclusion
    7.2 Implications
    7.3 Limitations
Appendix A-Respondents' Information
Appendix B-Questionnaire
Appendix C-DIRECTIVE 2001/14/EC of EU Parliament
Appendix D-Principal infrastructure managers of Australian railways
Appendix E- Decree N 811 of 12.20.2004 of the Russian Government
Appendix F- Federal Law of January 10, 2003 No. 17-03


    1.1 Research Background
    1.2 Project Description
    1.3 Objectives and Significance
    1.4 Methodology
    1.5 Thesis Structure
    2.1 Studies on Annual Report Home and Abroad
    2.2 Functional Features of AR reports
    2.3 Generic and Stylistic Features of AR reports
        2.3.1 Genre Analysis
        2.3.2 Register Field Tenor Mode
    3.1 Basic Concepts of House's Theory
        3.1.1 Equivalence and Meaning
        3.1.2 Functions of Language
    3.2 House's Original Model
    3.3 House's Revised Model
        3.3.1 The Framework of the Revised Model
        3.3.2 Register
        3.3.3 Genre
        3.3.4 Individual Textual Function
    3.4 Operation of the Revisited Model
    3.5 Overt Translation and Covert Translation
    3.6 Culture Filter
    3.7 Studies on House's Model for TQA Home and Abroad
    4.1 Translation Problems of CCB 2017 AR report
        4.1.1 Problems at Lexical Level Mistranslation of Terminologies Mistranslation of Abbreviations with Numerals Mistranslation of Category Terms Mistranslation of Terms with Chinese Characteristics
        4.1.2 Problems at Syntactical Level Mistranslation of Zero-Subject Sentences
        4.1.3 Problems at Textual Level
    4.2 Solutions to the problems from the Perspective of TQA
        4.2.1 Solutions to Problems at Lexical Level Paraphrase Omission Acculturation
        4.2.2 Solutions to Problems at Syntactical Level Combination Voice change
        4.2.3 Solutions to Problems at Textual Level Reference Substitution Paraphrase Omission
    5.1 Findings of the Study
    5.2 A Note of Caution
APPENDEX Ⅰ Source Text(Excerpt)
APPENDEX Ⅱ Source Text(Excerpt)

四、Editorial and Advisory Boards of“NEW CARBON MATERIALS”(论文参考文献)

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  • [4]镁-空气电池先进空气阴极的研究[D]. 张蕾. 上海大学, 2020(02)
  • [5]后殖民时代的印度尼西亚政治研究(1945-1967)[D]. Retno Mustikawati. 上海大学, 2020(08)
  • [6]十二届欧洽会企业外宣资料汉英翻译实践报告[D]. 郭欣. 成都理工大学, 2020(05)
  • [7]“凤凰计划”与美国在南越的“反叛乱”政策(1967-1971)[D]. 朱玲. 南京大学, 2019(04)
  • [8]有色金属资源循环研究应用进展[J]. 郭学益,田庆华,刘咏,闫红杰,李栋,王亲猛,张佳峰. 中国有色金属学报, 2019(09)
  • [9]Factors Affecting Rail Reform Model Choice and Cases Comparison Around the World[D]. Badarch Sergelen. 北京交通大学, 2019(01)
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